Saturday, December 5, 2009

Trillium Lake

We've been having gorgeous weather this week in Portland (except for today, BRRR!), so on Tuesday we decided to head out of the real world and snowshoe around Trillium Lake, situated at the base of Mt. Hood. It was great to get out of the city for a day and just enjoy the pristine beauty of the lake.

Not a single cloud in the sky all day

Show us the way

You have to hike in about 3 miles to get around the one side of the lake and emerge from the trees, but once you do, this is the view you are greeted with.


The lake is surrounded by campsites, which we definitely intend to check out soon (maybe in the summertime though...). Of course the lake and everything around it is frozen over by now, so we stopped off at a frosty picnic table to enjoy the view and take a little break.

We almost froze our butts off. Literally.

Time to move on.

We decided to stick around for at least the beginning of the sunset to take some pictures. We came across this dock that provided a perfect view. So perfect that there was another photographer there. :) He was super nice, a very serious amateur, and gave me some good tips. He was even nice enough to take our picture.

Taking a break on a bed of snow

We couldn't stick around for too long since, after all, the sun was setting and we're out in the woods... but we did get to see the mountain turn a really pretty orange.

And even though we couldn't clearly see the mountain on the trail back, it was a gorgeous sunset nonetheless. Just look at this.

The moon rose just as the sun set

And of course, we took some video while we were there. I used iMovie to piece it together and set it to a little ditty by Passion Pit.

And we were back to the real world by dinnertime. We are certainly lucky to have such a wonderful playground an hour's drive from home. Expect to see more of Hood this winter!


1 comment:

Dad said...

Really beautiful, and love the pics.